Consit Gruppen bliver en del af The Digital Neighborhood
Den hollandskbaserede koncern af førende europæiske Microsoft-specialiserede it-konsulenthuse, The Digital Neighborhood, har købt Consit Gruppen.
Consit Gruppen bliver dermed en del af The Digital Neighborhood, som nu består af 14 højt specialiserede europæiske Microsoft it-konsulenthuse med 1.460 medarbejdere i syv lande, heraf 550 i Norden, som sammen servicerer flere end 2.700 kunder.
Opkøbet markerer en vigtig milepæl for Consit Gruppen. Vi har været på en fantastisk rejse indtil nu, men tiden er kommet til at vende bladet og begynde på et nyt kapitel.
Vi ser The Digital Neighborhood som den ideelle fremtidige ejer. I den proces vi har været igennem, har vi oplevet en yderst professionel og kompetent virksomhed, hvor både strategi, kemi og værdier, matcher på bedste vis.
Strategien med at samle førende Microsoft-partnere med komplementære kompetencer i et fælles community, hvor man samtidig formår at bevare nærværet til kunder og medarbejdere, harmonerer perfekt med vores måde at tænke på.
Dette partnerskab giver os en unik mulighed for at kunne tilbyde yderligere værdi til vores kunder med endnu stærkere løsninger, der matcher nutidens hurtigt udviklende teknologilandskab.
I Norden vil vi arbejde tæt sammen med danske Delegate og Projectum samt finske Sulava. Disse virksomheder er alle førende eksperter indenfor deres områder, som blandt andet omfatter AI, Cloud Security, Project and Portfolio Management, Azure, Business Applications og Modern Workplace.
Et kapitel bliver afsluttet i dag, men vi ser frem til at begynde det næste. Vi glæder os meget til samarbejdet med vores nye kompetente kollegaer og sammen skabe fremtidens løsninger.
Læs de fulde pressemeddelelser her:
Consit Gruppen slutter sig til The Digital Neighborhood
The Digital Neighborhood Strengthens Northern European Presence with Acquisition of Consit Gruppen
Consit Gruppen will become part of The Digital Neighborhood
The Dutch-based group of leading European tech companies specializing in Microsoft Technology, The Digital Neighborhood, has acquired Consit Gruppen.
Consit Gruppen thus becomes part of The Digital Neighborhood, which now consists of 14 highly specialized European tech companies with 1,460 employees in seven countries, including 550 in the Nordics, who together serve more than 2,700 customers.
The acquisition marks an important milestone for Consit Gruppen. We have been on an amazing journey so far, but the time has come to turn the page and start a new chapter.
We see The Digital Neighborhood as the ideal future owner. In the process we have been through, we have experienced an extremely professional and competent company, where both strategy, chemistry and values match in the best way.
The strategy of bringing together leading Microsoft partners with complementary skills in a common community, where at the same time they manage to maintain the presence of customers and employees, harmonizes perfectly with our way of thinking.
This partnership gives us a unique opportunity to offer additional value to our customers with even stronger solutions that match today's rapidly evolving technology landscape.
In the Nordics, we will work closely with Danish Delegate and Projectum as well as Finnish Sulava. These companies are all leading experts in their fields, which include AI, Cloud Security, Project and Portfolio Management, Azure, Business Applications and Modern Workplace.
One chapter ends today, but we are excited to begin the next. We are very much looking forward to working with our new competent colleagues and creating the solutions of the future together.
Read the full press releases here:
Consit Gruppen slutter sig til The Digital Neighborhood
The Digital Neighborhood Strengthens Northern European Presence with Acquisition of Consit Gruppen